Pay For Success and Streamlined Permitting Database

Compiling procurement & permitting innovations to uplift success stories, promote replication, and break down silos between agencies.

EPIC’s Restoration Economy Center updates this database roughly every quarter. Our goal is to compile and highlight excellent work happening in the world of streamlined permitting and the use of new contracting tools for environmentally beneficial projects. We include local, state, and federal examples.


  • Use the tabs on the top of the table to filter your view. You can hide fields, sort by different columns, etc.

    For a specific search, click “Filter” and then select which features you’d like to see.

  • Please submit updates to the database through this form - we update it regularly based on feedback.

  • Pay for Success: Grace Edinger

    Streamlined Permitting: Becca Madsen

    Click their names to write them an email.

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