Lead-Free Water Challenge

In 2021, EPIC launched its first program, the Lead-Free Water Challenge, to help small to medium-sized municipalities launch their own lead service line replacement programs.

The Lead-Free Water Challenge was designed to boost lead service line replacement in areas where a municipality most needs it. After an initial assessment, we have helped them with the following:

  1. Connected them with other service providers with expertise on data, finance, and communications.

  2. Orchestrated conversations between utilities and elected officials.

  3. Provided access to innovative tools, technologies, and templates through alternative programs like the 2021 Water Data Prize amongst others Lead-Free initiatives at EPIC.

  4. Made resources available such as a right to entry ordinance template, model lead-free resolution, and the principles aspects of equitable, effective lead service line replacement.

EPIC fostered strong partnerships with these technical service providers to aid cities with the resources they need to #GetTheLeadOut.

Lead-Free Water Challenge Partners

  • Environmental Policy Innovation Center

  • WaterPIO

  • Center for Geospatial Solutions

  • Blue Conduit

