Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Loan Fund
Check Out Our Press Release!
The purpose of this loan fund is to support eligible water infrastructure projects in the Great Lakes, and ultimately, to ensure clean and safe water throughout the region.
The program is open to underserved municipalities and water utilities in Illinois, Michigan, or Wisconsin who have a direct connection with the Great Lakes or any of their tributaries or drainage basins. The loans will support pre-development activity costs such as preliminary engineering reports, asset management planning, financial audits, rate studies, bid document preparation, and other planning/design-related expenses. The loans provide an additional source of funding that can be stacked with other funding and financing through local, state, and federal sources, and are intended to provide pre-development support to projects funded through the State Revolving Funds (SRFs) or U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects.
Loan Details
Loans will cover predevelopment costs toward an existing federal project funded through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) or USDA. The cost of loan interest and principal may be reimbursed with eventual proceeds of the SRF or USDA award.
Up to $1,000,000 in total available financing is available over a six-year period. The loan fund will offer total interest costs for borrowers of 2-3% (compared to the typical 5-7% for municipal bond or market bank loan rates). Other features of the loan fund include:
Interest-only payments or capitalized interest during the loan term, with repayment of principal and/or interest due once a borrower receives an SRF or USDA award
Loan forgiveness provisions available if SRF or USDA financing application is unsuccessful after two attempts, if final construction bids are 20% or more higher than anticipated, or if principal forgiveness for any SRF or USDA loan is at least 20% lower than projected (thus jeopardizing project affordability)
Loans not forgiven if awarded, and borrower subsequently elects not to pursue SRF and/or USDA project financing
Pairing with an EPA-designated Environmental Finance Center (EFC) for technical assistance. EPIC and other qualified technical assistance providers in the region will partner with each borrower to provide project management services, including assessment of current needs, development of project scope, financing application assistance, procurement of engineering services for project planning, design, and bid document preparation, and other professional services as needed.
Learn More and Submit a Request
To learn more about the loan program and technical assistance available for your community, please visit our Funding Navigator page and submit the Request Technical Assistance form found on the page. Simply include ‘Great Lakes Loan Fund’ in the description of your water infrastructure challenge or concern.
Funding Details
Available capital for this program was made possible through a loan to IFF from the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF) of up to $1 million. EPIC provided additional grant funding to IFF for creation of an interest rate subsidy to support the loan fund. This interest rate subsidy will lower the final borrowing costs for participating municipalities and utilities.