Danielle Bissett

Restoration Permitting Policy Lead

Danielle Bissett is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner and former Adjunct Professor with 10 years of experience planning, designing, permitting, constructing, and monitoring ecological restoration projects in New York City. In her current position as the Restoration Permitting Policy Lead for EPIC, Danielle applies her extensive professional experience as a practitioner to streamline environmental permitting and policies for ecological restoration projects.

Before joining EPIC, Danielle managed and oversaw a diverse portfolio of restoration projects and initiatives throughout New York City. While working for NYC Parks’ Natural Resources Group, Danielle worked with stakeholders and project partners on the implementation of the Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Plan. This plan addresses watershed management through a comprehensive ecological restoration approach that improves physical, ecological, and social conditions that reduce overall environmental stressors to the river and riparian areas (e.g. stormwater mitigation, invasive plant species management, native plant species restoration, fish passages, dam removal, oyster restoration, etc.).

While working for Billion Oyster Project, Danielle played a pivotal role in shaping and advancing oyster reef habitat restoration in New York City. As Director of Restoration, Danielle led and scaled the Restoration Department and strategically established several initiatives to assist the recovery of self-sustaining oyster populations in New York Harbor, which heavily relied on collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders and a multi-habitat, synergistic approach for restoration projects.

Danielle holds a Master of Science in Environmental Policy from Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy and a dual Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and Anthropology from Adelphi University.

Get to Know Me Further

Growing up on the south shore of Long Island, New York, I developed a deep-rooted sense of respect and appreciation for the ocean, barrier islands, and bays. As a kid I was always exploring — either at the beach, helping my parents garden, or climbing trees. I have always been drawn to nature, and as an adult, I’m still fascinated by wildlife and wild places. While attending Bard College for my graduate degree, I was thrilled to live in an area surrounded by rivers, mountains, and wildflower meadows. I was also lucky to have visited Olympic National Park and Glacier National Park — two incredibly humbling experiences that showcased the beauty of untouched landscapes. My love and awe for nature continue to grow each day, which is fostered by my career, sustainable lifestyle, and endless curiosity about the natural world.

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