EPIC to host webinar on equitable wastewater infrastructure in disadvantaged rural communities

Onsite wastewater treatment systems or “septic systems” are commonly used to treat wastewater in urban and rural properties across the US. Poorly functioning or failing septic systems are a threat to public health and the environment, and can even make homes unlivable. However, not all property owners can afford to repair or replace these systems on their own as they can be fairly expensive. The Environmental Policy Innovation Center will host a webinar on equitable wastewater infrastructure in disadvantaged rural communities and invite a number of experts who will speak about various aspects of this issue, including federal programs, state and local financing, regulations, and other public health and economic development factors at play.

Speakers include

  • Michael Claiborne, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability

  • Willie Morgan, Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc.

  • Colleen Neely, EPA Decentralized Wastewater Program (ORISE Fellow)

  • Julie Waetcher, DigDeep

  • Sophie Young, California Strategic Growth Council

Date and Time: March 24, 2022 at 2pm ET (90 minutes)

Register for the webinar here: https://tinyurl.com/EPIC-SepticsWebinar


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